Thursday, May 1, 2008


The wave, the flash and crackle of long streaming banners has your attention for a moment, then you look up to realize the beauty that surrounds you. The warm sun shinning down, the breeze blowing, the laughter in the distance, mothers playing kick ball with their children, and again the snapping banners fill your ears. The dry grass beneath your feet the flowering clover, dandelions and crabgrass fight for their space among the large fields. As your mind wonders it keeps returning to the hills across the way and the same behind and all around you. Again the banners change the direction of your thoughts. The wind as it fluctuates lifting the banners their shadows dance with the crackling, the colors the flash. Back in the moment you are camping in a field waiting to enter a week long Motocross race. Washougal Washington
7/26/2006 B.

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