Where would
we be …you …and me
Without the
man in his old run down truck
With his
furry companion in the middle.
Without all
the acquaintance’s we met along the way
Without all
the souls that have touched us to create a memory
loves lost, broken hearts mended and lessons still to learn
Without or
diamonds in the rough, Our children
our gifts
from heaven at just the right time.
Without the
journey traveled the dreams fulfilled or forgotten
And the
journey yet to come.
Without the
trips down the dusty road or along the river
Without the
snow or rain and perfect sunshiny days.
Without all
the things that we don’t see beyond our control,
that make
our world, everyone’s world go around.
Without the
world and everything in it
Without you,
where would I be.
Inspired by
a man in an old truck with his dog by his side.